Rextoys Cadillac De Ville Conduite Interieure 1938 V16


A Rextoys Cadillac De Ville Conduite Interieure 1938 V16.  Made in Portugal circa 1985.

Mint in a good early carboard box and card display plinth.

The model is a ‘coupe de ville’ or ‘town car’ Cadillac version in deep blue black colour with a dark grey canopy for the passengers.



Rextoys Cadillac De Ville Conduite Interieure 1938 V16

Rextoys Cadillac De Ville Conduite Interieure 1938 V16A Rextoys Cadillac De Ville Conduite Interieure 1938 V16.  Made in Portugal circa 1985.

Mint in a good early carboard box and card display plinth.

The model is a ‘coupe de ville’ or ‘town car’ Cadillac version in deep blue black colour with a dark grey canopy for the passengers.